During the week of July 19th, 2022, my staff and I participated in the Camp Bolivar day camp. This year marks our third year hosting the camp for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Bolivar Middle School. I feel that teaching our children about the operation of city government, businesses, and organizations is vital. It is essential that they understand how we all work together to make our city a great place to live.

Campers learn a lot during the week. On day one, they spend time at all of the city services departments receiving hands-on lessons on how these departments work in a fun and engaging way.
Day two brings about finance lessons with hands-on tours of a local bank. Students toured and learned about making diesel engines at Choate Engineering Performance. Students also enjoyed a great tour of Bolivar Ford, but they loved being able to climb in those new cars and trucks.

Day two also includes a tour of Bolivar General Hospital. The staff at Bolivar General are always great with our kids. They educate them on medical careers and allow them to experience the hospital in a fun, educational way. This year, they learned how to give insulin shots and looked at samples under a microscope!

Students were taught how to screen-print their camp shirts on day three at 575 Sports and learned how local businesses support our community.
Darrell Teubner welcomed the students for his noon show at WMOD, where they briefly discussed their week with us.
The tour of WMOD was followed by a sit-down with Mayor Sain, where they learned about county government and the history of the courthouse. Students also spoke with other county officials in the county clerk’s office, chancery court office, register of deeds, and property assessor’s office. We wrapped up day three with a movie at the Luez Theater!
Day four is our day to show the importance of giving back to your community. This year, students spent time at Christian Care Center playing games with the residents of the facility. After our community service time was over, we set out to have a kickball game and picnic at the city park! Students were given certificates and a pass to the city swimming pool to top off their week!
It is my favorite week of the year. I really enjoyed spending time with some very talented and bright young minds this week. In the spring, we will begin advertising this camp on our website and social media pages and sending information home with students. We hope you will take advantage of this free day camp for your child next year. The future of the City of Bolivar, Tennessee, depends upon the investment we make in our children now.