Bolivar, TN | March 25, 2022: Bolivar Mayor Julian McTizic, State Senator Page Walley, State Representative Johnny Shaw, City Planning and Design Consultant Joni Bailey, and Shelton Merrell, SWTDD Regional Planner, announced today that Bolivar’s 2021 Multimodal Access Grant proposal had been selected for funding in the amount of $595,675 through the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s (TDOT) Multimodal Access Grant program.
The grant proposal creates a pedestrian walkway in east Bolivar from Third Street to Sand Beach Lake. The purpose of the walkway fulfills several local needs, including supporting and encouraging pedestrian transportation, promoting healthy lifestyle changes, and providing safe walking access from Bolivar’s historic downtown area to the Sand Beach Lake Park and recreation area. Bolivar was one of twenty-six selected recipients for the 2021 grant cycle.
“We have been working on this project for several years. I am excited that TDOT has chosen to fund our 2021 Multimodal Access Grant proposal. Construction of the walkways will provide several benefits to the residents, including a safe connection from this area of east Bolivar to and from the downtown area,” said Mayor McTizic.
TDOT’s Multimodal Access Grant is a state-funded program created to support the transportation needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users through infrastructure projects that address existing gaps along state routes. Multimodal Access Grant projects are state-funded at 95 percent with a 5 percent local match.